Acne Myths

  • Myth:

    Washing your face more often will help clear up acne


    Facial blemishes are not caused by dirt. Contrary to what you may have seen in commercials, pores do not get blocked from the top down due to "impurities". Rather, the walls of a pore stick together deep within the skin, starting acne formation. Far from preventing acne, frequent washing may actually irritate pores and cause them to become clogged. A washcloth can add even more irritation. The best bet is to wash very gently with bare hands, and only wash twice a day.

  • Myth:

    Stress causes acne


    Stress may have an effect on hormones and theoretically can promote acne. However, an effective acne treatment regimen is more powerful than a bout of stress any day. Some psychiatric medications may have acne as a side effect, but stress itself is no big deal. Your time is better spent determining the right course of acne treatment rather than feeling guilt about stress.

  • Myth:

    Masturbation or sex causes acne


    This antiquated notion, originating as early as the 17th century to dissuade young people from having premarital sex, is just plain wrong. Don't believe the hype.

  • Myth:

    The sun will help get rid of acne


    The sun may work in the short-term to hasten the clearing of existing acne while reddening your skin, thus blending your skin tone with red acne marks. However, a sun burn is actually skin damage. Sun exposure causes irritation which can make acne worse. People will often notice their skin breaking out as it heals from sun damage. The sun is a short-term band-aid which will often bite back with more acne in the weeks following exposure. Having said that, I don't want to give the impression that the sun is evil. It is not. We get our vitamin D from the sun for instance. Limiting sun exposure on acne prone areas of your body is most likely prudent, but some exposure from time to time is not only unavoidable, but is perfectly okay.

  • Myth:

    Diet and acne are related


    The bottom line is we need more research. We do know that people in some indigenous societies do not experience acne whatsoever across the entire population. This is in stark contrast to the widespread presence of acne throughout all modern society. It leaves us to ponder the question of whether the indigenous people's diet contributes to their acne-free skin. Discovering a dietary way of preventing acne may be a future reality, however, we may live so differently from our hunter/gatherer ancestors that it has become close to impossible to replicate our ancestral diet. But, let's see if we can work together to come to some concensus from our own experiences. If you feel that you have cleared your acne using a particular diet, or if you are planning on attempting a diet of some kind, please post your method on the Nutrition & Holistic health message board


Posted by Vert Greenio | di 18.51 | 1 komentar

Tips Jitu Ngilangin Jerawat Kamu 1

Saya rasa hampir dari kita pernah kena yang namanya jerawat, kadang memang mengganggu sih apalagi klo jumlahnya semakin banyak di wajah, udah gitu besar-besar lagi.. nah klo untuk yang satu ini mesti buru-buru diobati klo tidak ntar bisa rusak wajahnya.

Berikut ini beberapa tips-tips yang dapat anda pakai untuk menyembuhkan dan menghilangkan bekas jerawat:

  1. Sering-sering bersihin muka pake air setiap saat sebab muka remaja tuh banyak berminyak-minyak yang tidak dibersihkan akan menyumbat pori-pori wajah dan akhirnya timbul jerawat
  2. Usahakan sebisa mungkin jangan kena asap kendaraan (kalo pake sepeda motor pake cadar ato helm yang ada tutup kacanya ato pake kedua-duanya sekalian spy muka gak kena asap mobil n motor)
  3. Usahakan jangan maem makanan yang pedas-pedas (ada merica ato lombok nya) dan jangan banyak maem ma-eman berlemak (sedikit aja, tapi jangan terlalu sedikit, sebab selain untuk pelumas persendian, lemak diperlukan dalam pembentukan sel pada paru-paru dan otak, kekurangan emak bisa membahayakan kedua organ tsb)
  4. Kebanyakan masalah jerawat itu karena alergi sama daging ayam dan telur. Uji diri kamu sama kedua makanan tsb, jika kamu emang alergi ya usahakan sebisa mungkin menghindari kedua makanan tsb
  5. Kalo berjerawat jangan dipencet-pencet, kalo dipencet-pencet biasanya malah ninggalin noda-noda hitam dan bopeng pada wajah.
  6. Jangan stress, katanya sih stress memacu timbulnya jerawat.
  7. Sering-sering olahraga, panas tubuh akan membuka poripori wajah dan mengeluarkan kotoran-kotoran dari pori-pori wajah.
  8. Kalo keramas usahakan shampo jangan sampe kena wajah, sebab sebagian shampo (terutama yang pake protein spt Sunsilk telur dan madu, etc itu jika kena kulit akan nimbulin jerawat).
  9. Sebelum mandi bersihkan muka pake air hangat dan dibilas (jangan pake air panas, air panas dapat memecahkan pori-pori wajah. Nanti malah kulit wajah jadi merah-merah setengah melepuh kalo dibilas pake air yang terlalu panas. Jangan dibilas dengan kasar pada tempat-tempat berjerawat. Sebab akan menimbulkan luka dan akhirnya menimbulkan bopeng dan noda-noda hitam pada wajah.

Posted by Vert Greenio | di 17.17 | 1 komentar